the Collective


Is a faith based network comprised of Spirit Driven organization and Individuals that work together to promote and support the evolution of consciousness worldwide. Our diverse community includes partners all over the globe, and our association supports a wide range of service based missions and organizations that give people meaningful opportunities to put their spiritual gifts and talents to use. With a deep respect for freedom, diversity and equality, we encourage autonomy while inviting collaboration.

The Collective has been driven by its mission to serve spirit driven individuals and organizations as they discover and seek to fulfill their spiritual destiny and join with our vision of being a national and global community promoting the reality of Spirit and the evolution of consciousness with Individuals across the nation and around the world.


The essence of Spirit & Progress is captured by the idea of Progress. Encouraging personal evolution while forming spiritual support communities, helping Individuals progress in their spiritual development as well as progress in their day to day living and overall life while forming diverse partnerships locally and globally.


Our core purpose is to partner in advancing civilization. We are all passionate about promoting the evolution of consciousness of the entire planet one community at a time.

The Advancement of out Society is rooted in spiritual transformation. A movement that takes dedicated individuals and active participants — participants are truly committed to using their gifts and talents to be a transformative agent in the world.


Based in Atlanta, Ga., Spirit & Progress serves over thousands of individuals serving in more than 30 countries around the world.

Explore this site to learn more about the missions, ministries and identity of Spirit And Progress. Click on the sidebar to read our core values of and six aspirational attributes. To view the 2014-2015 budget, click here.

Are you or organization interested in becoming part of the Association? Request an introduction to Spirit and Progress packet.

2015 CORE Initiatives
1. Sunday Seminars
2. City Wide Weekly Meetings
4. Spiritual Mentoring Groups
5. Education/Training Center
6. Healing Clinic
7. Quarterly Psychic Fairs.



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