Learning how to read the Tarot can be an extremely helpful practice to Raise Your Vibration as you focus your thoughts on the higher virtues represented through the cards.
In this 4 week long series you will not only learn how to read the Tarot Using the Christ Formula, but also how to deepen your connection with Spirit.
Classes will be held weekly on Tuesday beginning on August 25th at 7:00pm.
Location:The Little 5 Points Community Center.
Because this class is highly interactive I am only taking registration from a small number of participants so space is limited.
Each class costs $25.00 or $100.00 if you pay for the full 4 weeks in one payment
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Participants will learn: ◾How to read and Interpret each Tarot Card Intuitively. ◾The Role of Christ In Each Card. ◾How to listen to the Holy Spirit of Christ speak through the Tarot. ◾How to discern between Higher Wisdom and Lower Wisdom.
We will be using the Universal Waite Rider Deck for this class
For More Information or Questions Contact Adam at 919.244.3985 or email him at AddamfromAdam@gmail.com
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Learn How to Read The Tarot
Learning how to read the Tarot can be an extremely helpful practice to Raise Your Vibration as you focus your thoughts on the higher virtues represented through the cards.
In this 4 week long series you will not only learn how to read the Tarot Using the Christ Formula, but also how to deepen your connection with Spirit.
Classes will be held weekly on Tuesday beginning on August 25th at 7:00pm.
Location:The Little 5 Points Community Center.
Because this class is highly interactive I am only taking registration from a small number of participants so space is limited.
Each class costs $25.00 or $100.00 if you pay for the full 4 weeks in one payment
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Participants will learn: ◾How to read and Interpret each Tarot Card Intuitively. ◾The Role of Christ In Each Card. ◾How to listen to the Holy Spirit of Christ speak through the Tarot. ◾How to discern between Higher Wisdom and Lower Wisdom.
We will be using the Universal Waite Rider Deck for this class
For More Information or Questions Contact Adam at 919.244.3985 or email him at AddamfromAdam@gmail.com
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