1977:My Father has a Born Again experience which lays the foundation for the home environment I’ll be born into. He is graced with the “gift of prophesying and healing through the laying on of hands”.
1980: My Mom Gives birth to me. (So I’ve been told) 😉
1984:My Dad begins Pastoring his first church and I become a Preacher’s Kid. HeMan is Everything to me. 1985: I start elementary school disillusioned it’s not as awesome as my sister proclaimed. Contrary to my high expectations derived from her stories, I did not learn how to read or write on the first day.
1994: I start High School and Puberty. Interpersonal Relationships become awkward. I read Romeo & Juliette. My “everyday love obsession” with automotive design starts.
2000:I become very sad about “not having” things. Then I have a Spiritual Transcendent Experience: I feel, think, and see everything different. I’m “Born Again”. My gift of prophecy is activated.
2004: I become unsure about institutional religion and decide to leave full time ministry. I stumble upon the Nag Hammadi Library and I begin to expand my understanding of Jesus & Christianity. I also start studying Dr. Muata Ashby’s work. Later in the year I read the “science of getting Rich” and begin a desire to know all about The Law of Attraction.
2005: I am Introduced to the Egdar Cayce material and the theory of Reincarnation and Christ Consciousness and begin to become more “New Age” in my thinking and theology. I also begin to experience something like Heart Break and frustration about the lack of romance in my life.
2006:I watch The Secret DVD and I become inspired to Teach the Law of Attraction. I make a return trip to South Africa.
2007:Introduced to the work of David Wilcock. Evolves further into The New Age Thought and learns about the 2012 shift and how to develop my inherited prophetic abilities.
2008: I relocate from Raleigh NC to ATL GA. Feeling called by gift of prophecy and my studies of Edgar Cayce and David Wilcock I purchases a deck of tarot cards and begin to teach myself how to read the Tarot.
2009: I become a huge 2012’er. I relocate back to Raleigh N.C. to begin work on my Masters Degree in History At NC Central University.
2010:I have my first past life regression. I stop working on my Masters. I return to Atlanta Ga. Begin work at LIFE University where I am allowed to offer to give Tarot Readings to my Co-workers. They Are Impressed.
2011: I Quit Working at Life U. and begin working on my Masters of Divinity at Mercer University’s School of Theology. I Receive my first psychic reading. It’s very encouraging. I want to help encourage others in the same manner.
2012: I join a psychic development group and drastically improve my natural psychic ability. Anxiously waiting for 12/21/12. I Begin the negative reaping of financial hardship due to not having a solid flow of income the past 6 years.
2014: Experiences a drastic increase in the demand for my psychic readings and my work as a Psychic Adviser. I launch my ministry to help others in their faith development. 2015: T.B.D
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My Journey: (Thus Far)
1975: My parents get married.
1977: My Father has a Born Again experience which lays the foundation for the home environment I’ll be born into. He is graced with the “gift of prophesying and healing through the laying on of hands”.
1980: My Mom Gives birth to me. (So I’ve been told) 😉
1984:My Dad begins Pastoring his first church and I become a Preacher’s Kid. HeMan is Everything to me.
1985: I start elementary school disillusioned it’s not as awesome as my sister proclaimed. Contrary to my high expectations derived from her stories, I did not learn how to read or write on the first day.
1989: Back To The Future Two and Ninja Turtles is everything to me.
1992: I realize I absolutely hate going to school.
1994: I start High School and Puberty. Interpersonal Relationships become awkward. I read Romeo & Juliette. My “everyday love obsession” with automotive design starts.
1997: I’m awakened to personal development through Stephen Covey’s High School version of “7 habits ofhighly effective of people”.
1998: I want to be Sean Puffy Combs. I graduate from High School and leave home to begin college at NC State University in Raleigh NC.
2000: I become very sad about “not having” things. Then I have a Spiritual Transcendent Experience: I feel, think, and see everything different. I’m “Born Again”. My gift of prophecy is activated.
2002: I read Henry Blackaby’s “Experiencing God” & Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Life and decide to join Campus Crusade For Christ’s Impact Movement.
2003: My first Trip to South Africa as a “evangelical christian missionary“. I am mesmerized by this trip. I read Dwight Edward’s “revolution within” .
2004: I become unsure about institutional religion and decide to leave full time ministry. I stumble upon the Nag Hammadi Library and I begin to expand my understanding of Jesus & Christianity. I also start studying Dr. Muata Ashby’s work. Later in the year I read the “science of getting Rich” and begin a desire to know all about The Law of Attraction.
2005: I am Introduced to the Egdar Cayce material and the theory of Reincarnation and Christ Consciousness and begin to become more “New Age” in my thinking and theology. I also begin to experience something like Heart Break and frustration about the lack of romance in my life.
2006: I watch The Secret DVD and I become inspired to Teach the Law of Attraction. I make a return trip to South Africa.
2007: Introduced to the work of David Wilcock. Evolves further into The New Age Thought and learns about the 2012 shift and how to develop my inherited prophetic abilities.
2008: I relocate from Raleigh NC to ATL GA. Feeling called by gift of prophecy and my studies of Edgar Cayce and David Wilcock I purchases a deck of tarot cards and begin to teach myself how to read the Tarot.
2009: I become a huge 2012’er. I relocate back to Raleigh N.C. to begin work on my Masters Degree in History At NC Central University.
2010: I have my first past life regression. I stop working on my Masters. I return to Atlanta Ga. Begin work at LIFE University where I am allowed to offer to give Tarot Readings to my Co-workers. They Are Impressed.
2011: I Quit Working at Life U. and begin working on my Masters of Divinity at Mercer University’s School of Theology. I Receive my first psychic reading. It’s very encouraging. I want to help encourage others in the same manner.
2012: I join a psychic development group and drastically improve my natural psychic ability. Anxiously waiting for 12/21/12. I Begin the negative reaping of financial hardship due to not having a solid flow of income the past 6 years.
2013: Ready to enter into the “New Age” of living. Begins full time work as a psychic adviser at the underground mall in Atlanta. Become introduced to a whole new group of people and places in Atlanta.
2014: Experiences a drastic increase in the demand for my psychic readings and my work as a Psychic Adviser. I launch my ministry to help others in their faith development.
2015: T.B.D
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