1083 Austin Ave NE Atlanta GA 30307 info@enlightenedcollective.com (725) 333-4836

The Lightworkers’ Symposium

An energetic interactive experience

The Lightworkers’ Symposium is designed to help you activate and align to your highest frequency.

Previous participants experienced a profound and lasting difference in the way they began to understand themselves in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

  • The level of awareness about their cosmic identity and spiritual gifts.
  • The confidence with which they feel they can begin using their gifts.
  • The clarity of their personal vision and mission
  • lasting connection and bonding with others who are on similar journey

The Symposium is held the last Saturday of every month.

Place: The Little 5 Points Community Center

Time: 12 – 5pm.

Cost $25.00

The Program

Part 1: 12:00pm-1:30pm Knowing Your Self as Energy

Part 2: 2:00pm-3:00pm – -Sensing Frequency

Part 3: 3:30-5pm -Raising Your Vibration.

RSVP Here:

For more info email: info@enlightenedcollective.com


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